The role of the year – Atom RPG: Trudograd, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, Black Book

The role of the year – Atom RPG: Trudograd, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, Black Book

January 13, 2025 ! Without a column 0

About the nomination

This nomination is devoted to RPG of all varieties and stripes: from classic Western to purebred Japanese, from step -by -step to those that offer in real time.

Third place – Atom RPG: Trudograd

“Our answer Fallout »For a long time became the idea of ​​a fix of the domestic Gamdev. And this is not about shooters with role -playing elements from Bethesda , And about the original dilogy of isometric RPG – as deep as obsolete. Many tried to get this holy graal, but only Atomteam. Their Atom RPG It was exactly the way: an old -fashioned, slightly crazy and leisurely cluster of freedom. Small, but living world, complete secrets, secrets and dangers. Concentrated nostalgia, in short. AND Trudograd she is not inferior to her.

By and large, this is the same game about the adventures of an agent of the secret organization atom in the vast vaciation of the post -core perestroika USSR. It is completely – from the role system to the buttons in the interface – it is tailored according to the canons of the old school: with a lot of conversations, many ways to almost any purpose and complete permissiveness (which does not mean complete impunity at all). However, without innovations, it was not either.

Hot radioactive steppes were replaced by a cold title workday – a real metropolis by local standards. The picture has become prettier, locations are more diverse, perki – more interesting. Quests, it seems, is now even more inventive and crazy. The typos remained, but it would be finally read about the most local texts without tears. And an already volumetric list of activities was replenished by a simple but fascinating card game "Bombagan". And let the step -by -step fighting still offers a minimum of tactical opportunities, even its authors pulled up. Still, the appearance of power armor at a diesel move in the Soviet post-apocalypse was only a matter of time.

In general, an almost perfect sequel – which, judging by the finale, soon should be continued himself. So it is better not to lose labor conservations to import them into the inevitable third part. And let the atom be with you!

Second place – Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

Although we set Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous In second place in the list of the best RPG year, in fact, it is unlikely to be safe to advise any fan of the genre. But not at all because the authors did not try – just the opposite. Moscow studio OWLCAT Games I developed perhaps the most detailed, close to the primary source adaptation of a desktop role -playing game since the classics of the golden era Infinity Engine. Wrath of the Righteous perfectly conveys the wealth and depth of the mechanic of the Pathfinder system, but loyalty to the original source is not only the main achievement of the game, but also its main curse. She is terribly unfriendly to the user, does not respect the player’s time at all and does not bother with intelligible answers to many questions that may arise during the passage: nevertheless, the Pathfinder rules are not so easy to master as the rules Dungeons & Dragons. Especially when at every step you have to fight bugs of varying severity.

Wrath of the Righteous damn ambitious. Perhaps even too ambitious. But, despite all the shortcomings, for some reason the game does not let go throughout the hundred hours, from the beginning to the victorious end-just give her a chance. With its epic scale, the story of Wrath of the Righteous recalls the player even the most insignificant solutions, and an impressive timing really helps the characters open up – the scope is felt by the deserved. Although even in this case one complete passage is not enough to explore all the capabilities of the Pathfinder engine in terms of creating characters: this is a separate puzzle for the most inquisitive minds.

Mention are worthy

In 2020, the RPG year of the year won the Japanese role about Japan-and in 2021, by irony, not a single JRPG was in the top. Series Tales of And Shin Megami Tensei This year were noted with high -quality, but at the same time too on -duty releases, and Neo: The World ends with you I could not stand on a crush original. I would especially like to note only an Lucky Mister sister sites expanded version of last year Final Fantasy VII Remake : She replenished with excellent DLC Intermission.

King’s Bounty II She became a favorite among freelance authors of gambling: a large -scale and ambitious tactical RPG from 1c I was pleased with the carefully worked out world, a deep combat system and an prohibitive amount of content.

Finally, Diablo II All the living things are still more alive that Resurrected And proved. Hundreds of thousands of players were happy to return to the authentic reprint of the classics 20 years ago: to crush the devils and try more and new characters' builds are still fun, and the game itself did not grow old at all.

Special drugs – Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker

Last year, we allocated from the license list the best games of the year published in 2018 Among us , Marking it with special nomination, because, despite the long-standing date of the release, everyone began to play it in 2020. This can be said about Final Fantasy XIV , which has been accumulating its greatness for long eight years. The foundations of her mechanic and Laura were laid back in ALM REBORN In 2013, the combat system in the current form was established in Stormblood in 2017, and the script reached perfection in Shadowbringers In 2019. One of the strongest plot moments of the 2020s occurred in the second end of Shadowbringers, which was released without a special pump in patches 5.3. But not to celebrate some patches there in the results!

Fortunately, in the December addition Endwalker The ending is already one – one for all. All the key storylines here found their completion, almost all the guns shot, the global plot came to an end. A story that strikes with its scale did without critical contradictions and oversights, did not leave a single important character behind the scenes-and in key moments she did without very banal black and white cliches. Remaining at the same time written in an incredibly rich language, which can be argued for the beauty of Disco Elysium.

With this special nomination, we want to note the game that, even without being JRPG, was the best choice for fans of this genre, which has been in crisis for a long time. In Final Fantasy XIV there is everything for which fans of Japanese rolens once loved them-and much more.

First place – Black Book

The term "RPG" has always been quite blurry: in the west and east, it meant games of completely different races. If you find something in common in them, then something like “the hero travels, one or in the company, full of monsters and dangers of locations, participates in battles, pumps and opens new skills, and also talks with NPC and sometimes accepts those or other solutions ". This definition Black Book answers one hundred percent.

This reservation is necessary here, because in terms of the Black Book combat system is much closer to card games like Slay The Spire – And the best representatives of this direction does not exceed. But the main thing is not at all in it. Black Book is an exemplary game about Russia that does not seek to copy Fallout : everything has its own, original, native. Setting-Perm province of the 19th century, Bestiary-entirely from the Slavic and Komi-Permyan mythology, and maps are the essence of the spell: that the evil eye, that blessings. The lexicon of heroes is replete with outdated and small -town words, the life and beliefs of that time are represented in the most detail and in detail, and the plot holds the player in folklore legends, allowing you to become their direct participant. If some game deserves the title of “Russian folk”, then this is undoubtedly Black Book.

Amazing year: all three best RPG 2021 were domestic production. And they cannot be confused with each other: such diversity at the highest level of quality inspires pride in Russian developers and the hope that their work will soon be inspired by Western studios, and not vice versa.

All results of 2021 from gambling

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